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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie & Geowissenschaften

Arbeitsgruppe Klimatologie - Prof. Dr. Cyrus Samimi

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2024    2023    2022    2021    2020    2019    2018    2017    2016    alle Jahre

Datum News
12.12.2019 New Publication Geographische Rundschau
23.11.2019 Talk about climate change by C. Samimi
13.11.2019 Climatology is now in Twitter
22.10.2019 New publication in Nature Scientific Reports
21.10.2019 New publication in Climate
16.09.2019 Presentation at the German Congress for Geography by H. Zandler
16.09.2019 Presentation at the German Congress for Geography by I. Haag
16.09.2019 Session at the German Congress for Geography
26.08.2019 Summer School on Scales
21.08.2019 Talk at the Doctoral School Factory of Ideas
25.06.2019 New publication in Land
15.06.2019 Special issue in Forests
31.05.2019 Thesis defense M. Mayr
25.05.2019 Sessions at the ECAS2019
06.05.2019 Talk at the HGG
01.04.2019 Dr. Harald Zandler
22.02.2019 Climate change in East Africa

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Prof. Dr. Cyrus Samimi

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