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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences

Research Group of Climatology - Prof. Dr. Cyrus Samimi

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2024    2023    2022    2021    2020    2019    2018    2017    2016    all years

Date News
17.07.2024 New publication in Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
05.07.2024 New publication in International Journal of Remote Sensing
07.06.2024 New publication in Remote Sensing
13.02.2024 EGU 2024
22.12.2023 New PostDoc
18.12.2023 VAD 2024
24.10.2023 New publication in SPIE proceedings
24.10.2023 New publication in SPIE proceedings
16.09.2023 Talk at the African Weeks Augsburg (Afrikanische Wochen Augsburg)
03.09.2023 SPIE Sensors & Imaging 2023
28.07.2023 New publication in Sustainability
29.05.2023 ECAS 2013
21.04.2023 Discussion Forum on Climate Change in Nürnberg
04.04.2023 New book chapter on Environmental Change. Populism, Lobbyism, and Injustice
01.03.2023 Dr. Harald Zandler left us
15.02.2023 Dr. Qirui Li left us
19.01.2023 Talk FGG Erlangen
10.01.2023 Now open access "Drylands Facing Change"
10.01.2023 Talk on Climate Change in Coburg
26.10.2022 New book chapter on Climate variability and institutional flexibility
26.10.2022 New book chapter on Drylands, frontiers, and the politics of change
26.10.2022 New edited book on Drylands Facing Change in Routledge
20.10.2022 New publication in Theoretical and Applied Climatology
14.10.2022 New publication in IJITPM
01.10.2022 New publication on Data Management
01.10.2022 New edited book on Digital Research
01.07.2022 Panel discussion about globalization and climate justice
28.06.2022 Koeppen Prize for Dr. Haag
19.06.2022 Talk at the Nationales Forum für Fernerkundung
16.05.2022 talk at the EGU 2022
16.05.2022 talk at the ÖGG
16.05.2022 Poster presentation at the Living Planet Symposium
11.05.2022 New publication in Journal of Mountain Science
02.05.2022 Talk on Climate Change in Forchheim
24.03.2022 CBNRM workshop in Windhoek (Namibia)
23.03.2022 New publication in Frontiers in Environmental Science
18.03.2022 New publication in Sustainability Science
03.02.2022 New Publication in Basic and Applied Ecology
17.01.2022 The final report of the project "Reduction of Climate and Ozone Risks in Cities (MiSKOR)"
20.10.2021 New publication in Land
15.10.2021 Talk at Klima-Aktionswoche Forchheim
03.10.2021 Final conference of the ECCAP project
03.10.2021 New Publication in Remote Sensing
03.10.2021 New Publication in Human Ecology
24.07.2021 TV Report on project in the district of Forchheim
19.06.2021 New publication in a Springer book
31.05.2021 Thesis defense I. Haag
20.04.2021 New weather station in our project in the district of Forchheim
01.04.2021 Project & Teaching in the district of Forchheim
31.03.2021 Defense MSc thesis
12.03.2021 New position Dr. Nabavi
02.03.2021 New publication in Climatic Change
17.02.2021 Prof. Dr. Jussi Grießinger
10.01.2021 New publication in Scientific Reports
07.01.2021 Mountains of Tajikistan 2020
16.11.2020 Weingartener Afrikagespräche 2020 workshop postponed to 2021 but one online presentation
18.10.2020 New publication in Environment Pollution
28.09.2020 Weingartener Afrikagespräche 2020
24.09.2020 New publication in Ecosystem Services
24.09.2020 New publication in Sustainability
21.07.2020 Film about the Belmont Forum/DFG funded project ECCAP
05.05.2020 Defences MSc theses
08.04.2020 New Publication Geographische Rundschau
01.04.2020 New team member Dr. Li
23.03.2020 New team member Dr. Arabi
23.02.2020 Symposium Mountains of Tajikistan
12.12.2019 New Publication Geographische Rundschau
23.11.2019 Talk about climate change by C. Samimi
13.11.2019 Climatology is now in Twitter
22.10.2019 New publication in Nature Scientific Reports
21.10.2019 New publication in Climate
16.09.2019 Presentation at the German Congress for Geography by H. Zandler
16.09.2019 Presentation at the German Congress for Geography by I. Haag
16.09.2019 Session at the German Congress for Geography
26.08.2019 Summer School on Scales
21.08.2019 Talk at the Doctoral School Factory of Ideas
25.06.2019 New publication in Land
15.06.2019 Special issue in Forests
31.05.2019 Thesis defense M. Mayr
25.05.2019 Sessions at the ECAS2019
06.05.2019 Talk at the HGG
01.04.2019 Dr. Harald Zandler
22.02.2019 Climate change in East Africa
03.12.2018 Belmot Forum Workshop/AGU 2018
15.11.2018 Award best master thesis for MSc. Florian Lang
31.10.2018 New publication in Aeolian Research
30.10.2018 Talk by I. Haag at the International Symposium on Water and Land Resources in Central Asia
15.10.2018 Cluster of Excellence African Multiple
15.10.2018 New Publication in an edited book (Russian Academy of Sciences)
14.10.2018 New staff
31.08.2018 New project MiSKOR
11.06.2018 Talk by C.Samimi at the Geographische Gesellschaft Trier
27.05.2018 Senior Fellow Prof. K.-A. Kassam (Cornell University)
27.05.2018 Mrs. Löbl retirement
27.05.2018 Workshop Belmont-Forum Project ECCAP
16.04.2018 New publication in Ecological Indicators
25.02.2018 Sessions on climate change and local communities at the AAG in New Orleans, April 10, 2018
16.02.2018 New publication in Human Ecology
12.02.2018 Defense S.O. Nabavi
29.01.2018 New publication in Climate Dynamics
28.01.2018 New publication in Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories
21.01.2018 Talk by I. Haag/C. Samimi at the annual meeting of the High Mountain Specialty Group
10.01.2018 Report about ECCAP project on the homepage of Cornell University
28.12.2017 Prof. Samimi particpates in a panel discussion on climate Change in Africa
28.12.2017 Prof. Samimi is Vice Chair of the EU COST action CA16233
20.10.2017 AK Klima
08.09.2017 Presentation Geographentag
08.09.2017 DAAD Scholarship Mr. Essien
10.08.2017 New publication: Disturbance feedbacks on the height of woody vegetation in a savannah: a multi-plot assessment using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
01.08.2017 Prof. Samimi is a member of the Management Committee of the EU COST action CA16233
11.06.2017 New publication: Klima von Mitteleuropa
26.04.2017 Presentation AK Biogeography
29.03.2017 ECCAP article about the project in Inside Science
27.03.2017 Presentations at the EGU 2017
21.03.2017 Presentation at the AAG 2017
19.02.2017 New publication: Environmental management and the reshaping and respacing of livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa
10.01.2017 New publication: Sensitivity of WRF-chem predictions to dust source function specification in West Asia
10.11.2016 I. Haag and K. Reinhardt presented a poster at the Climatology Specialty Group Anual Meeting (Bad Dürkheim, Germany)
15.09.2016 M. Mayr presented a poster at the 3rd EARSeL Workshop on Forestry in Krakow (Poland)
12.09.2016 MSc I. Haag: New research assistant
07.06.2016 National Geographic published an article about our project "Ecological Calendars and Climate Adaptation in the Pamirs"
01.06.2016 New Publication: Climatology of dust distribution over West Asia from homogenized remote sensing data
01.04.2016 New Publication: Scenarios of Solar Energy Use on the “Roof of the World”: Potentials and Environmental Benefits
30.03.2016 New Publication: Data and methods in the environment-migration nexus: a scale perspective
30.03.2016 New Publication: Adaptation as by-product: migration and environmental change in Nguith, Senegal
16.02.2016 New Publication: Preserving a Comprehensive Vegetation Knowledge Base – An Evaluation of Four Historical Soviet Vegetation Maps of the Western Pamirs (Tajikistan)

Webmaster: Prof. Dr. Cyrus Samimi

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